
追忆快乐 2022-01-06 16:25 编辑:祁莲 78阅读


Together Gonggong and Zhuanxu compete for the emperor, decayed anger of soldier but use to go to bump against block of wood Buzhou Mountain.

Buzhou Mountain has not been post of supporting a day, one has been tried, issued one world-shaking noise by together Gonggong massif collapses, Tianzhu county wreckage, earth tilt to southeast, seawater is mounted to dry land flowing backward. The upper people of plain has been drowned most all, survivors had no choice but to flee to the mountains.

However, the forest is a mammal of the territory, they are very angry after the harassment to human initiated attacks crazy. Many people have been killed by wild animals, to eat.

Experienced an unprecedented human disaster and some were drowned in the floods, and some were crushed by the collapse of the rocks, and some were ferocious beast and bird killed, mankind is faced with extinction.
   Increase by for making human being can develop once again, Nvwa relieves self in with the loess and the mud, come using both hands to pinch up a clay figurine.





