This blog post is about a princess story that revolves around a book called "The Green Mountain Wall of Annie". The story follows a curious girl named Annie, who stumbles upon this extraordinary book at the library of her town. The book tells the tale of a unique princess named Eileen, who defies the norms and values adventure, bravery, and freedom over lavish gowns and noble manners. Eileen finds herself in a mysterious world beyond a green mountain wall after losing her way in the forest one day. On the other side of the wall, she discovers a completely different realm filled with magical creatures and mystical forces, as well as a group of extraordinary friends. Meanwhile, Annie feels transported into this enchanting world through the story, imagining herself embarking on adventures and treasure hunts alongside Eileen, thus feeling like a true princess herself. In Annie's eyes, Eileen is not just an ordinary princess; she is a spirited and courageous girl who challenges the traditions of the kingdom. Throughout her journey beyond the wall, Eileen encounters new and fascinating things and develops new friendships. She befriends a wise fox, who guides her in the right direction, and a cheerful little bird, who encourages her with melodious tunes. In this fantastical world, Eileen learns to bravely face challenges and difficulties. She learns how to communicate and collaborate with different individuals, utilizing her strengths to help others. This adventurous journey brings about transformative changes in Eileen's life, shaping her into an independent and resilient woman. Simultaneously, Annie is inspired by Eileen's story and begins contemplating her own dreams and future. She aspires to be brave in pursuing her own aspirations and facing the obstacles that come her way. Through this book, Annie discovers valuable life lessons. She understands the power of friendship, the importance of courage, and the bravery needed to chase dreams. Each person has that one book in their life that can change their perspective, ignite their passion, and make them braver and more determined. For Annie, "The Green Mountain Wall of Annie" is that book. Through this story, she not only reads a princess tale but finds her own courage and passion. In real life, there are also princess stories waiting to be written. Every person can discover their own bravery and strength, seeking their own happiness and dreams. So, let's open those books together, meet the princesses, and connect with the world!