
追忆快乐 2022-01-06 06:27 编辑:通逸 81阅读

The rabbit in the Moon Palace(我都没听说过)玉兔入月宫

Legend a long time ago, a pair of rabbit practice Millennium became immortal. They have four lovely daughters, all born to pure cute.One day, the emperor summoned the rabbits in heaven, it left his wife and children to be reluctant to part, stepping on the cloud temple. When it came to the south gate, see too white Venus day will lead the moon from the side walk. Rabbit fairy know what had happened, he asked a guard's door god beside. After hearing her encounter, rabbit fairy feel the innocent suffer, sympathize with her. But his meager strength, can be of any help? Think of the man in the moon, how lonely sad, if someone with good, suddenly thought of their four daughters, it immediately ran home.(剩余见追答)

【英文版的嫦娥奔月故事】One day, when Houyi was out, Chang'e secretly swallowed the potion(一剂) in the hope that she would become immortal. The result was quite unexpected: she felt herself becoming light, so light that she flew up in spite of herself, drifting and floating in the air, until she reached the palace of the moon.She is regarded by later generations as the goddess of the moon.This beautiful story has always been liked by the Chinese and provides a favourite allusion(暗示) for poets and writers.Chairman Mao Zedong's poem in memory of his martyred(有牺牲精神的) wife Yang Kaihui has these well - known lines:The lonely moon goddess spreads her ample sleevesTo dance for these loyal souls in infinite space.Here, in the Chinese original, the name Chang'e is used instead of moon goddess.The figure of Chang'e, a beauty dressed in the elegant garments of a bygone(过去) age floating towards the moon, naturally supplies unending inspiration for painters and sculptors.【中文故事简介】传说古代天空中有10个太阳同时出来,大地被烤成焦土,后羿为民除害射掉了9个太阳,西天的王母娘娘奖赏他长生不老的仙药。他的妻子嫦娥趁后羿不注意时偷吃了这些药,突然她就成仙飞向天宫,王母娘娘惩罚她,让她在广寒宫里思过。【典故】羿请不死之药于西王母,姮娥窃以奔月,怅然有丧。西汉·刘安《淮南子·览冥训》