诚实的社会英语作文? 变得诚实和善良,英语作文?

297 2024-10-12 14:27


Nowadays people are troubled with mass of dishonest behaviors in society. Teachers get annoyed when they catch students cheating on exams; consumers get hurt when they unfortunately buy some fake products; children are misled when they see their parents tell lies so as to evade the responsibility they should take.

Why do people cheat? The main reason probably lies in immediate interest they may obtain by cheating. For example, a company, which manufactures fake products, may seem to win for a moment because it can minimize its manufacture cost by doing so. This kind of businesses, however, will be driven out of the market in the long run. For the consumers after getting to know the poor quality of the products will not buy them anymore.

The same is true of individuals. Dishonest people dare not take on the responsibility of life. They cheat in class, in office, at home and so on. But the truth can hardly be masked. The moment the truth comes out they will lose their credibility, which is easier to destroy than to rebuild. Consequently, these dishonest will suffer a long time because of their cheating behaviors. In conclusion, no one can afford to be dishonest in a civilized society.

Honesty is the pillar of a society. People will benefit from being honest in the long run. That's why we say it pays to be honest.


There is an old Chinese saything,Man Can't Live Without Honesty,which suggests the importance of honesty.To be honest means that we should treat people heart and soul.In no case should we cheap others .We should do as we say.On the other hand ,when we make a promose,we should try to keep our word.In case we can't,we should explain why and let them know as soon as possible.Nobody likes dishonesty,so people who are honest can always gain others' repect and friendship.Only in an honest way are we able to make more friends and gain their cooperation.Without honesty,we can't do anything,or even live.


  Nowadays people are troubled with mass of dishonest behaviors in society. Teachers get annoyed when they catch students cheating on exams; consumers get hurt when they unfortunately buy some fake products; children are misled when they see their parents tell lies so as to evade the responsibility they should take.

  Why do people cheat? The main reason probably lies in immediate interest they may obtain by cheating. For example, a company, which manufactures fake products, may seem to win for a moment because it can minimize its manufacture cost by doing so. This kind of businesses, however, will be driven out of the market in the long run. For the consumers after getting to know the poor quality of the products will not buy them anymore.

  The same is true of individuals. Dishonest people dare not take on the responsibility of life. They cheat in class, in office, at home and so on. But the truth can hardly be masked. The moment the truth comes out they will lose their credibility, which is easier to destroy than to rebuild. Consequently, these dishonest will suffer a long time because of their cheating behaviors. In conclusion, no one can afford to be dishonest in a civilized society.

  Honesty is the pillar of a society. People will benefit from being honest in the long run. That's why we say it pays to be honest.


Also known as "realistic stories" and "secular stories".

One of the types of folk stories. Although the plot of such stories is purely fictitious, most of them reflect real life;

The characters, environment and plot of the story are mostly what the creator saw and heard, so it is very realistic.

According to the content, it can be divided into life struggle stories, labor and production experience stories, family and love stories, etc. Among folk stories, life stories have the largest number.



A crow felt very thirsty. He looked for water everywhere. Finally, he found a pitcher.But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher. His beak could not reach it. He tried again and again, but still could not touch the water.When he was about to give up, an idea came to him. He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another and dropped it in.Gradually, the water rose, and the crow was able to drink the water


  从小就追求正义和理想。曼德拉是南非第一位黑人总统,他同南非种族隔离制度进行了几十年不屈不挠的斗争,赢得了全世界人的支持和喝彩。因此,有人说,曼德拉已经成为一个时代的象征。曼德拉的反抗精神、对正义和理想的追求在童年时期就已初露端倪。  曼德拉出生在一个小村庄,9岁那年父亲就去世了。从小曼德拉就经常目睹当地大酋长在解决部落争端过程中被白人政府的法律所约束,他逐渐萌发了寻求正义和平等的理想。年纪更大一些后,他多次领导同学抗议学校的白人法规,甚至因领导学生运动而被除名。在一次次的“斗争”中,曼德拉逐渐立下志愿:要为南非的每一个黑人寻求真正的公正。





True your words is very important to build your reality and keep good relationship with others. Thinking twice when you agree to do something. Trying to avoid lose it.





读音:英 ['ɒnəsti]  美 ['ɑːnəsti]    

n. 诚实;正直

I am fully conscious of his honesty.



读音:英 [və'ræsəti] 美 [və'ræsəti]    

n. 真实性;诚实

There is no question of his veracity.



读音:英 [ɪn'teɡrəti] 美 [ɪn'teɡrəti]    

n. 完整;完善;正直;诚实

The kid was raised to become a man of integrity.



读音:英 ['hɑːtinəs] 美 ['hɑːtinəs]    

n. 诚实;热心

In a word, I was hardworking, honest, heartiness, and brave enough to face new challenges, I also have strong time concept, good habits and decent in my life.



Most students will have the experience that when they go home, they will throw away their homework and tell themselves to do it later, but as a result, they will never finish their homework at the last minute. If we finish the task earlier, it will be easier for us to refuse to admit that we are lazy. In fact, if we want to make a difference, we need to get rid of it Serve our laziness, because it is a long-term battle.

When we have a task, the first reaction is to finish it first. Once we are efficient, success will come sooner or later.
